Fall season raffle Fundraiser

October 15, 2022

Our fall season raffle has begun! In addition to the prizes below, we will continue to receive more and more prizes from local businesses who want to support the Tiger Regiment!

Be sure to visit and support these businesses to show them how much we appreciate their generosity. We cannot do this without each and every one of them.

If you’re here and you have yet to join in, be sure to find your favorite Tiger Regiment student and ask them how you can buy some raffle tickets from them. You can also reach out to a booster parent or email: president@tigerregiment.org for more information. Each ticket is $10. The more you buy, the greater the chances you can win!!

List of Prizes Available

Be sure to check back every few days leading up to the field show to see what new prizes are available!

The raffle drawing will be done during the Valencia Classic Field Show on October 14th. Be sure to join us so you can know right away when you’ve won!